I came searching because I had two different profiles asked me for my google hang out profile. The pictures that sends/uses are of a plastic surgeon from Florida. Ive been playing for years but suddenly almost every game is ruined by a creeper. I thought they were pervs so end up blocking them. I said my husband wouldnt so would he send me money to get one? I like to check the profiles to see how long theyve been playing. We contacted police..no help. he messaged me on 2 different games, clearly a scammer, reported him! I on the other hand, Im having fun at their expense, so much so, that they end up blocking me. The game completely disappeared! And when we accomplish the goals set to win a box we get 1 or 2 points and a blue teardrop is That ALL we get?? One guy blocked me right after that..The next one persisted, until I blocked him. He has too many games going and cannot accept new games. Then I say GOT YOU! I love to mess with these creeps on WWF if they say their Engineers, so am i, whatever they say they do, i ask them about the job, they change subject, if they say theyre American,i ask where theyre born. Oh, met him in Words With Friends. Was wondering about setting up a fb page where everyone could share the names photos etc. I have had 100+ of these scammers try to get me. Lol! I played a Thomas S. Who was an engineer in Texas & was supposedly originally from Berlin, Getmany. Addiction and sobriety can make people very vulnerable. Yes. He claimed it didnt work. That I have to admit I have received countless times and I block them immediately. Anyone come across this guy? Thats when I got suspicious. They are mostly all engineers on a oil rig off the coast. Too many and he made me uncomfortable. Yes! I lead them on then have some fun. THIS is the kinder, gentler Uber? But it certainly entertaining. Also about to retire and getting huge payout. Armed with the knowledge of what has been shared here, I just blocked them all mid game and changed my profile pic. It didnt use to be this bad. I figured there must have been some sort of a scam when I had 2 of these requests Within 10 minutes. Hes on ship as engineer. Guy is from a foreign country, the wife is dead, and his daughter needs help. Give me a break. I guess they sit and wait for players and then set up games with people they think they can scam. Anyone had dealings with a Kelvin Johnson? I like to play along telling them all lies about myself, 1 guy said he was a Dr yet when I told him I was a paramedic he asked what that was and was I able to work from home during the pandemic. I dont even see a way to do it. Every woman beware of a John Alexander or John Larry . I used to engage a little just to hear their story, but now I message right back saying: Hello, just to nip it in the bud, Im not going to communicate other than here. if any of you play word feud watch out for steelers2021. They come up with some really good words in the game, but have trouble chatting with proper english, though they claim they are from the U.S. The Sydney Morning Herald reported earlier this month that a scammer using the name Richard Bricks was using a photo of Argentinian actor Juan Soler in his pursuits on Words with Friends. 59 Scammer names: SRGT. Pinterest Says he is a doctor working in Syria for the UN. Hello. nudity or One just started a game with me yesterday, Curdias9. Yes.definitely. He stopped communicating when I wanted out. I should have meant that I do send occasional chats too, but there are always more than appropriate. Amazingly, I have had no less than TEN orthopedic surgeons invite me to play WWF. Your email address will not be published. Beware. I envy him so much already. He asked me music I like. Beware of Kelvin Stone. How can I do a reverse image on a man I met in WWF? By the way, dont bother writing to Zynga tech support. Im in great demand. So you can play with a stranger, arent they all, just dont talk to them! I said country, IL Divo, pop. Eventually they dissapear! Is there anything I can do if I did fall for not one but two of these scams? Ha! Had a woman ask me how my work was going when we never had previous conversations. I love playing WWF, but it is so funny when they immediately come up with their back stories (all of them were widowers, save for one divorce), they have either a child or a grandchild they are raising alone, and are looking for friendly companionship. Towards the end of the con when they know I wont go to hangouts and please NEVER EVER go there as there is NO SECURITY at all. The came back as Travis Austin! Wants gift cards and money all the time. When I imagine where Owen is sitting as he is having this fraudulent conversation with my mother, the most likely scenario is that he is in boiler room surrounded by other men all staring intently into their computer monitors and having dozens of similar conversations with other innocent women all at the same time. There seems to be an increase of these scammers lately! Same weird way of talking. Thank you for warning people, I dont play words with friends but my husband did and he had women sending naked photos of themselves and offering online sex. If there are more I will start asking them first and pretend Im in the same city, ask where they like to eat, shop, etc. 2 first names. Scammer Glenn Bradford. I ask what is coil and he said, sorry meant cool music. The picture he has posted of himself was stolen from Instagram and is of a very handsome male model/makeup artist. I said my husbands phone. Nigerians. They also want to know what and when I ate last, havent figured that one out yet and become quite upset when I say no. I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. I thought I was getting there today & wondered about reporting him & found all of you. Just deleted the game and changed my profile pic to my dogs. Mine was named SullivanJohn, engineer on an oil rig, wife died of cancer, daughter died in car accident and bringing up 8 year old granddaughter. Do any males get girls doing this too? He asked why I didnt ask my husband to buy me one. I did say they all seemed very familiar and had spoken to me before but uses different profiles. Says to me. WebScammer Mark Baron. Scammer David That picture provoked many WWF players to flirt with my mother, as they were hoping that the player was the granddaughter rather than the grandma. Im anticipating what the next one will have in common with the one before. . Dont give them the satisfaction. Always the same basic script- new player from the US with a handsome photo, lousy players, all over the schmooze chat, get defensive or mad if you dont answer their questions, always say they just want to be friends when I say I am married, always the same story- tragically widowed or divorced with a kid, they are usually engineers, oil rig workers, or lately the big thing seems to be military. I play along with them for a while but eventually call them a scammer and Im blocked. Im still laughing now. on my phone, so we can talk private. He scammed me out of a little over $200,000. I allow them to think they have my undivided attention and when they ask me what I do for a living I tell them that I work for the government. Needed some kind of card to stay online and have the phone working. Please do not give this man any private info. I like your style! He I was totally scammed by him. Abd not to chat to ppl on there its not safe. even creepy face pics 99% scammers. So sorry Emma. Then, when the victim started to engage in conversation, the bot would hand the victim over to a human con artist. BLOCK HIM! How do u tell those lies? I am ashamed. Guess men think a woman has cats.. Once a man sends a message I accept and or say hello. One of the crew were killed. When they ask for my phone number, they get oneto the rejection hotline!! Look out for Frank Wilson who is on a peace keeping mission in Kabul Afghanistan and for Andrew Charles who is an offshore oil rig engineer. One guy asked me if I was married (among other things listed). Yes there is also a scammer pretending to be a UN worker in Afghanistan. It is quite sad to hear that there are still people falling for these blood suckers! I did call one guy out on his English and he a totally gave up. Its always a scam. I can tell by their profile pics theyre scammers before they even write me. Ever. There is no chatting between us, but I suspect that Words with friend uses bots to keep you playing as much as possible. I believe my mom is being scammed by a Fred Anderson. Then he insisted, Are you happily married? I replied, Why be married if not happily? He resigned the game. 14 year old son The more you say no to giving out your email or your phone number or you wont go to hangouts or download it Im firm when I say no they say Im rude and mean lol I said so Im mean when you are the one being disrespectful towards me by expecting me to give personal details to you a stranger Ive sooken very little to in 3 days?! His screen name is Thomson S on WWF. WebI'm on unemployment. There are active scammers here that will DM you without commenting and tell you they can complete the work and ask for payment upfront. Click on their profile and they usually have a very recent start date, a very low top score and very few wins. Same. DUKEWAYNE63@gmail.com or aka rahoolsairani@gmail.com another one my mom was scammed by! Why cant you make your players happy?? HOW TO HELP ROMANCE SCAM VICTIMS FOR FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF SCAM VICTIMS. when I told him I wasnt sending any money he cussed me out. He has white hair and looks to be55-60. Its easy to get wrapped up in somebodys story, but if you find yourself tempted to send money to a stranger even if its just a little ask for help. When I see a message icon pop up, I ignore it. met on WWF. Changed my photo to be one of my dogs and scammers have stopped. Ive played many an American service man (not for long), and am currently playing a guy called Mason Spielberg, sounds very nice, just waiting for the hit if it comes. Asking questions like married single kids even where you grew up and favorite colour as in banking apps and the like you have security questions that you have to answer. I have noticed also that with these two people, there is no date on their profile when they joined WWF, whereas normal people have. He me several times for my email address and I kept saying no. It might seem beyond belief that anybody would ever fall for this, but innocent people have been falling for the Nigerian Prince scam for years and to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Both Derek and George wanted to go to google hangouts very quickly and professed their love very quickly. (How did you know my real name?!?) Update on this, It always starts the same, innocently asking how I am, then where do I live. My big question is, why do they all want to use Hangouts? I reported his info to Ftc.gov. THIS IS A SCAM! Countless unfinished games because once they find out Im a happily married housewife who wont follow them to Google Hangouts, they just stop playing. If youre tempted to send money to a stranger and you shouldnt do it ask a friend or family member for a sanity check. When I told a friend how he said he was having trouble w/hia phone she said if he wanted to talk w/me he would. Been in hospital for a yest anf a half. You should of asked him whod dug him up? ScamsOnline.org is now ScammerPhotos.com Scammer Photo Galleries. His voice didnt have a german accent. I currently have 3 men hitting me up. Ive had over 50 men with the exact same statements and questions your mom received . Beware probably same guy they change names a whole group of them doing this crap, There are quite a few Thomas out there, somehow involved in shipping, sometimes mentioning Maersk Line. Good. She is also such a fan of the online Scrabble knockoff Words with Friends(WWF) that I might use the word addiction to describe her relationship with the game and only be exaggerating a smidge. I am currently talking to 5 of them. And harry smith. https://www.facebook.com/Captain-Thomas-Lindegaard-Madsen-944806625666781/. I have the addressed where I stupidly sent checks. A few years back it did not have that. He goes by James Richard in WWF. My daughter told me its a scam. It was beautiful and people were very nice. It was very agitating at first, but once I started playing along, I really started looking forward to it. Guys still say Hi beautiful, lets chat on google hangouts. Doing contract work on oil rig down by Gulf. Luis was just a married religious guy looking for sex and chats. Ive had numerous scammers, exactly same experiences as everyone else. We believe my mother-in-law is being scammed through WWF. Hey, not sure if you still need help, but if you look back in the comments of this string, you will see many from people being scammed by the same exact person same name, same story, everything. 4 guys says they were dingle parents because their wife died tragically. Then the chats started. Also beware of peter walter stuck in Africa needs to get home to daughter in states. Here are some simple best practices to follow in order to keep scam artists at a distance: 1. I asked how the weather was and he said it was cool (it was 90 deg). I never wanted this to happen. Get a real job and stop bugging us. I should never have fallen for these. Just going to see how this going to play out. I have a hunch Why they demand quite aggressive to go to Hangouts or other sites. Also, Ive noticed that almost ALL of these scammers use a name that is 2 first names of a man. Scammers that we have already banned can't comment. Also my perps name is Raymond Buffman, I took his photo to a catfish photo site and found his pic on 20 different dating sites, slightly different pics. Lol, Finally reading these because I have had nothing but new scammers since November who send a message after I play my first tiles. All I hope for now is that karma comes back & bites them. Supposed to be living in San Antonio in Texas. There is a way to not get messages, but i chat with 3 people i know. Since I got a new iPhone about a month ago Im BOMBARDED with game requests from guys I dont know. Newtoy did. I have 5 of these scammers going on right now It is fun to mess with them Yes I m married with 3 husbands and 11 kids, Now they are refunding WWF players through Pintrest. I make up all kinds of wild stories and just have a lot of fun. I made them mad before they could ask. Curious to know the outcome, I am so happy for all the posting on here. Oh my goodness. Then, there was one with a dog picture. She thinks we are the crazy ones. Having said that, 99% of the people I play with are good people. [Cross-posted on the Center site and elsewhere. Hes ( ??) January 18, 2020. Even if, like my mother, youre a skilled WWF player who is running out of challenging opponents, if you dont know who the person on the other side of the screen is in real life, then dont play. How do you reverse image search? Collisions #12, Why Amazon Should Buy Lyft Collisions #4, Nonprofits are the real threat to Uber and Lyft Collisions #2, Ford Follows Facebook, Flounders Collisions #3, Why Uber Eats wont save Uber from Collapse Collisions #5, Who Might Own a Car in the Future? I had an Ever James reach out to me very handsome pic, engineer father was German mother from Ohio, sent me several pics after I asked him if he was cat fishing me got upset then sent me a generic video of him self he sounded Australian, then proceeded to send me a bed time pic, and said he loved me after 3 hrs. If anyone hears of a John Alexander on wwf. The collage Those things were true for me. But the conversation continued with the offer of exchanging phone numbers and pictures, which I of course decline and end the game. Thanks for your advice. Jose Daniel.beware of him scamming! KY area code. I object to being told I shouldnt play with people I dont know isnt that blaming the victim? Please add Bryson teller, SAmuel Caban, Rosenbauerbob923@gmail.com and Frankwelborn@gmali.com to the scammer list. I also amuse myself by telling them all sorts of rubbish, one just sent me a pre written script about his tragic life (strange how this verse and chapter is all ready to go in seconds no one could type that fast !) Heard this or variations si much its like a broken record. Doesnt last more than a week usually. Anybody interact with DAVID HEWITT? Zynga needs to know. There are SO many of these men popping up on WWF anymore its ridiculous. The others are Oil rig supervisors or project managers. He says hes in CO but he has. Following that, the victim is blackmailed into sending money to the scammer in order to prevent the scammer from making the images or I told him to take his time. He asked if I am happily married with kids and still wants to chat after I said yes. So I have to accept messages from strangers or else Ill never play. I dont know how to report him since I dont have an account. Anthony Hoke & Van Vega. When I say no, they keep pushing. When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being a goal digger I really knew then he was a flakeHe sent fake pictures through WhatsApp. They always start with Hello or hello dear . I dont think Luis plays anymore. He slept with so many women using this game. If they ask my occupation am always a Cyber Security Agent , I have had loads of them lately and they get quite nasty when you dont give information Its a shame I love the game but it seems to be every man on there. When I checked his stats he had never played a single game before yet first off the bat he decides to challenge a top 30 player? -If the player has no profile picture or an inappropriate picture (e.g. Anyone have any dealings with Kevin Coleman? I may be gullible.but not that stupid. I stopped sending money in January 2018 and after many of his tries, I refused to send more money. Googled himh really is a generaltoo bad his English is poor and he knows nothing about the military! I must have scared them away, because they both disappeared soon after haha. WebDid you know scammers play online games like Words with Friends to try and source new victims? I went today to find it, but I believe she/they blocked me, because I cannot find it..She asked right away what I did for a living, and where I lived. However, what really put me on high alert was when he said that his wife died while giving birth to the man she cheat with baby, smh. And please dont shy away from request, simply because theyre from strangers. Its sad these guys are scammers and fake. He said it sounded interesting but I told him it was exhausting trying to find places to hide the bodies. I was recently playing games with Melvin Paul (melvinpaul945) and James Morrison (rolexmorrison9090). I dont think so. and how hes still looking for someone special blah blah bloody blah, I got so fed up with it I ended up telling him to do one (well a bit more colourful than that!) These creeps are ruining all the games. I googled predators on WWF and found this article. Travis Austin tried the same with me. Hes asking me a lot of questions and now wants me to go on Google Hangouts to chat with him but I dont plan to. How do you change your name on WWF? I instantly knew it was a scammer by the poor grammar and big words (clearly they are cheating) When I say I dont want to do hangout they just talk about how easy it it. Daniel Williams or Daniel William ? There is even a new shield that you can block and report. Supposedly working in Syria for the UN. Nice pictures on Facebook. Collisions #6, Lyfts stock cools as Monday-morning reality sets in Collisions #7, Initial Paradox Offering: Uber Collisions #10, The new triple play: transportation, information, delivery Collisions #11, a collaboration between people and programs, on the internet, nobody knows youre a dog., https://www.facebook.com/Captain-Thomas-Lindegaard-Madsen-944806625666781/. I am presently worried about that also. I got this tonight from another guy Who says that ? (I admit that Im biased.) Heres a stitched-together screenshot of one such conversation: The conversation turned creepy the moment Owen asks my mother how tall she is. nor can he make facetime calls or else (also because the rig had been attacked by pirates in the past so no localisation possible LOL). However the most recent game like that just disappeared so I didnt even have the satisfaction of a win. I was scammed out of $70,000 over the course of a year. All are 56. Anyone have a guy named Davis Anderson? Another jonathon tager has a son 14 works on oil rig. Tap the Settings tab. I am 87, he 60. You can tell by their game history, badges earned and time frame. Havent had another one since. Mines name is: Thomas Stewart. I didnt go on hangouts, did not give a phone number or email. I started a few conversations just to see telling them I know youre gong to tell me you work over seas as an oil digger, etc The minute they find out all you want to do is chat they end the game. Guess it takes all kinds of people! Im suspicious because Im not really all that popular!! Now he disappeared after I marked David as a fraud. Can I sue Words With Friends? I had a lot of these scammers, every day it seemed. and our chatting may stop at any time. Wants to go on google hangout to get to know each other and talk more about our feelings. Plays on the heart strings for the purpose of a payout. I was like cant you buy it online. Wife died a year ago, 15 year old daughter and working as a petrochemical engineer? WebRule 11 fights scammers by requiring them to comment on your post before contacting you. I have since deleted Words With Friends and do not trust people. Do not go to any other site outside of the game. Im going through the precautions of protecting myself just in case. Hangouts and want to share pics and conversation. Give me a break! I am going to remember this. One was from Germany, but when I wrote to him in German, he hadnt a clue what I was saying I only will chat with people with whom I have played several good games, at least. Scammers that we have already banned can't comment. Kandahar, Afghanistan. Hes in Gaza on an oil rig with a son in boarding school in Boston. Petter Snow. Wish all these scammers would take a long walk off a short pier and sink to the bottom of the waterfor good. He goes by name of Steven Looney so beware. We just recently found a bank statements where she wired $35k to an auto auction in our state. The third one goes only by the name Jacob, but hes using a picture of four-star general Stephen Townsend. A similar situation is happening to me now. Crazy. Hes a WWF creep. He got mad when I wouldnt do it. How to protect yourself or LOL! Weve been chatting for quite some time and he finally showed his true colors Hes working in Germany and needs me to get him a $500.00 Amazon gift card because his machine is broken. Besides ignoring those you dont know, look at their stats: Highest score 22 points??? I do play with people I dont know but my nickname makes it clear that I dont chat and if a player leaves a message I ignore it. It was fun while it lasted, but I blocked his ass. Sometimes I feel like its the same person changing aliases and pictures. Two days later he was in Yaman.. Ive had a few oil rig guys and civil engineers that have tried this crap. It is exhausting honestly trying to sort out who is a real person and who is not. Sounds like the same one I got. When I start a game with a new male player I have a laugh with my husband about how long it will take them to start chatting! Ive lost count of Peacekeepers & Engineers! Another one of their ploys is that theyre sending her money back plus more.. Then, they will say that the money package is being help up in port and that she will need to send them an additional $3k to have it released to her.. Gary Scott sound familiar James curtis. They all try to get personal information and their grammer is quite suspicious. They come up with some really good words in the game, but have trouble chatting with proper english, though they claim they are from the U.S. Is there a script for this stuff? really full of it!! Ill say stuff like thats an interesting word or this is going to be close or good game/play. Hopefully people dont mind. Hi. They profile you and compose an idea on you. Again, Im so sorry that happened to you. Please beware!!! Yep! Right now i have 10 of these men wanting to chat. After he was in China he sent me pictures of (supposedly) him working but unrecognizable by protective gear. A petroleum engineer whose wife died, from England but lives in Alabama now. I finally changed it to a picture of a plant that slowed them down, but I still get a new one every week or 2 it used to be almost daily. Im in 3 games right now w/men claiming to be working on an oil rig, widowed and raising kids alone. RosyChica. woodwoad99. Says hes in love with me and want to come see me but wont FaceTime or fb message me. But Im worried they hacked my phone. Remember NO HANGOUTS ITS GOT NO SECURITY AT ALL. Nice meeting you here. All stories are the same. Hi has anyone had someone called Myles Kennedy contact them on wwf? I gave one of them my WhatsApp got but it never really went anywhere. He claims to be CEO of KLCC in Irving, TX. and, I swear there are different people So you never know, could meet your soulmate. At one point, my mothers profile picture showed her standing next to my 17 year-old daughter, who is very pretty. His story was consistent & his voice matched. I run into several a day on WWF. All want me to go on other apps or give them my gmail, and spend hours begging me to when I say no. The talks we had were on Hangouts. Another alias GEORGIA MENDEZ possibly same scammer. Hi beautiful. Like I really believe that. Ive been playing with a scammer who calls himself Alex Normal. Me too. I may do the same! Obviously..not so stupid. Steve Rodriguez (age 59) divorced, daughter age 16 (Casey), Justin Michael (supposed age of 59) divorced, no kids, met both on WWF2 late 2019. Widow with 2 kids. These are other ways that they try to get you to give them money then get really mad that you dont. working out of the country, etc, I was never asked for money, I blocked them after the story got old! Anyone had any dealings with Michael Hansen, originally from Norway has lived in US for many years. I resigned from every game and blocked them all. Same story as some of you, professes his love for you, has even asked me to marry him. Is Hangouts itself Danger once contact is made w these w th we mainly W African professional thieves? She seemed nice enough until she said she would not be on WWF too much more and wanted me to go to Telegram. Waste their time. Tap on your Profile. I reached out and he of course said he was sorry that someone scammed her using his photos. Words With Friends Scammer Pictures As with any other social media platform, many players view their Words With Friends profile picture the same way they So Sad, & he keeps wanting me to get the Telegram Messenger App. What a nice dream they spin for those wish to believe! Am I being paranoid? Now, He claims to be a German doctor, Military, working in Kandahar, Afghanistan ! Snow ( GOT- or what??) No one has started a game with me since, it could be the same guy using different names.
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